BOOKS Honduras and the U.S.: Distant neighbors, common struggles

Melissa Cardoza was overwhelmed by the wide selection of products while she shopped at a supermarket in the United States.
"I had no idea what to pick," said the feminist organizer, writer and poet from Honduras, who compared the abundance of the United States to the austerity back home during a phone interview with Windy City Times.
It would seem the two countries—separated by thousands of miles and several borders—couldn't be more different, but they share more similarities than one might realize, especially when it comes to resistance and social struggles.
Cardoza is focusing on some of those similarities as part of a month-long tour of nearly 20 U.S. cities while promoting her new bilingual book, 13 Colors of the Honduran Resistance, which tells the stories of 13 women and femmes in the Central American country in the years following a coup d'etat in 2009.  MORE>>>

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